Finding True Rest
There are times when “nothing” is on your mind, yet everything seems to flood your thoughts. You have a list of things to do, but then the unexpected happens, and suddenly, you find yourself in a quiet moment—your mind going blank. We often attribute these moments to “getting older,” but they can also be a sign of mental and emotional overload.
As humans, we’re wired to “fight the good fight” and push forward, often resisting the need to slow down. But eventually, we all need a break—a time set apart to rest, not just physically but entirely. Our spirit, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body all need downtime. Psalm 62:5 reminds us: “My soul finds rest in God alone.” The Lord Himself is our source of rest.
Scripture teaches us that our bodies are temples where the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). This means we can’t ignore the deep connection between our spirit, body, and mind. When we allow ourselves to physically rest, we should also take time to center our thoughts on Christ. This intentional pause brings refreshment not just to our bodies but to our spirits and minds as well. True wholeness comes when we care for all three—body, soul, and spirit.
Learning from Mary and Martha
A beautiful example of this is found in Luke 10:38–42 and John 12:2, where Jesus visits the home of Mary and Martha.
When He arrives, Mary chooses to sit at His feet, soaking in His words. Meanwhile, Martha is distracted—busy with all the preparations. Frustrated, she asks Jesus, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to do all the work alone? Tell her to help me!”
Jesus responds with gentle correction: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Martha was doing, but Mary was being. Martha was busy, but Mary was still. And Jesus made it clear which was the better choice.
What Do You Need Today?
When I take time to shut out distractions, take my worries and concerns to the Lord and truly listen to his heart—whether through reading His Word, praying, or simply being still before Him—I come away refreshed in every part of my being. And sometimes, if I fall asleep in the process, I know that’s exactly what God knew my body needed!
What about you? What do you truly need today? You might be surprised by the answer when you, like Mary, choose to sit at the Master’s feet.