Can you hear me?
“My sheep know my voice”
John 10:27 ——
If you’re struggling to hear God or sense his presence start ny clearing away anything that is heavy on your soul. Any worry, guilt, shame offence, or any sin can simply be a barrier. Renounce any words that have had a negative affect on your heart and soul. Confessing and renouncing must be done out-loud because life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). When we do this it releases chains that bind, and casts off oppression when we say his name.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you bringing all my worry, fear, brokenness and sin before you. I confess …(say what comes to mind). Please forgive me and renew a right spirit within me. I renounce all negative words, thought and attitudes that have taken root and I cast them off and lay them at your feet. (Add anything else you want to say). I desire to hear your voice as scripture says because I am your child. Lord God, I draw near to you and ask you to make yourself known to me by your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Now breathe out (let distractions in your mind go) and sit still and sing a worship song to the Lord.